It's very sad, lot of girl child missing from our country are found buried in some graveyard. Now a day's India has gained advancements in all fields like boom in economy, innovative technologies and better infrastructure has become pride, but bias against a girl child is still dominant and the most shocking fact is that the innovative and technologies like biopsy, scan tests, ultrasound and amniocentesis , devised to detect genetic abnormalities, are brutally killing the girl child. These technologies are highly misused Indian families to know gender of the unborn child. These detection tests are contributing a lot to the rise in race murder of the unborn girl child. Being financially well and well nourish their child most couples prefer planned pregnancy. Amniocentesis started working in India in 1974 to detect fetal abnormalities. These tests were used first time in Punjab detect gender in 1979 . Indian Council of Medical Research banned this te...