Respect them, don't mourns daughters, they are the foundation
It's very sad, lot of girl child missing from our country are found buried in some graveyard.
Now a day's India has gained advancements in all fields like boom in economy, innovative technologies and better infrastructure has become pride, but bias against a girl child is still dominant and the most shocking fact is that the innovative and technologies like biopsy, scan tests, ultrasound and amniocentesis, devised to detect genetic abnormalities, are brutally killing the girl child. These technologies are highly misused Indian families to know gender of the unborn child. These detection tests are contributing a lot to the rise in race murder of the unborn girl child.
Being financially well and well nourish their child most couples prefer planned pregnancy. Amniocentesis started working in India in 1974 to detect fetal abnormalities. These tests were used first time in Punjab detect gender in 1979 . Indian Council of Medical Research banned this test but it not workable. people came to know its significance and they started using it as an instrument for killing an innocent and unborn girl child in mother womb. Many organizations took up cudgels to stop this illegal work of killing girl child in womb but not got success. With the passage of time these tests became more dominant to kill girls.
Female feticide is not the only issue with a girl child in India but others also. At every stage of life she is discriminated for basic nutrition, education and living standard. She was forced to miss the moment in womb, when she was supposed to enter the world. At the time of birth her relatives pulled her back and wrung her neck. After killing her she was thrown into a can.
Female feticide is not the only issue with a girl child in India but others also. At every stage of life she is discriminated for basic nutrition, education and living standard. She was forced to miss the moment in womb, when she was supposed to enter the world. At the time of birth her relatives pulled her back and wrung her neck. After killing her she was thrown into a can.
During childhood, her brother got new shoes, dresses and books to learn while she got married at that age and lot of tears also. In her teenage, she got only the crumbs and missed tasty food to eat. She was forced to get married at her college time. That result in high fertility rate, lack of education in females in India. Again if this female gives birth to a girl child, this cycle begins once again. She missed her life and was finally put to a graveyard where she finally got peace of mind.
India the nation of mothers having a culture where people idolizes their son and mourns daughters. According to UN approx 7,50,000 girlsare aborted every year in India. Abortion rates are almost 80% in Punjab and Haryana of the India states. If this crime continues, then a day will come when Mother India will have no mothers and life will end here.
Being proud citizens of India, the need is to realize our responsibilities and give a halt to this evil thing. we should initiate a determined drive and light the lamp and show the world that we are part of the great Mother India.
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