Facts regarding child custody

If divorce is incapable of being avoided, issues of child custody and access are bitter. When parents divorce custody of a child, only implies as to who the child will physically reside with. Parents continue to be natural guardians after divorce. The custodial parent will be responsible for the medical and educational needs, emotional of the child and the non-custodial parent will have the right of access. Over the years, there is a shift from custody and access being the right of a parent to being the 'right of a child'. The non-negotiable principle is best interest and welfare of the child. Who will best serve the needs of child's is the only thing. Custody does not determined by earning capacity of parents but the capacity to provide a safe and secure environment. A non-earning mother may get custody but the earning father will be asked to provide child support. When the child is of a tender age, the mother is preferred custodial parent. When the child attains a d...